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Part 1 of 3: Compliance in Provider Enrollment with Third-Party Payers

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Compliance in Provider Enrollment with Third-Party Payers

Like all types of businesses, compliance with the applicable rules and regulations is a foundational piece to a sustainable business.  Healthcare is no exception.  Though there are many components to compliance in healthcare, the focus for this webinar is exclusive to provider/payer credentialing and enrollment with third-party payers.  This often misunderstood area of compliance increases the business and provider risk and vulnerability in many different ways.  Learning points for this session includes:

- Understanding the business/provider responsibility for being properly established (for both in- and out-of-network claims submission) with payers you are submitting to

-Identifying your obligations to maintain compliance when changes are made (ex.  adding a new location, moving to a new location, adding a new provider, etc.)

-Recognizing the downstream impact of improper provider or practice data on record with third-party payers and how to easily and proactively minimize risk in this area
